Two people have been more influential than any others in the development of
my thought on these topics. The first is John Kenyon, my undergraduate tutor
in Philosophy. The second is Richard Swinburne, my graduate supervisor.
Later in life, I have had the privilege and pleasure of knowing each of them as
colleagues and friends and neither has ever failed to improve my thinking in
my conversations with them. The questions to which this book addresses itself
were first put to me in a philosophically rigorous way by John; and he was the
first to guide me to care about trying to answer them in a similar fashion.
Anybody who is familiar with the work of Richard will recognize his influence
on almost every page of this book: on starting points, we are often in complete
agreement; on conclusions, less so. But in both their cases my debt is of course
not for the conclusions that I reach but for the questions that I ask and the
method by which I seek to answer them. If progress in Philosophy is marked
not so much by an accumulation of answers as by the improvement of one’s
questions, then these two have helped me most in what progress I have been
able to make.
Many of the ideas that I draw on in this book have appeared in more detailed
form in articles in Religious Studies. I am grateful for comments on these articles
by the editor, Peter Byrne, and by the various anonymous referees who have
reviewed them. Others have appeared or will appear in more detailed form in the
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and The Heythrop Journal ; again,
I am grateful to the editors of these journals and their anonymous referees
for their comments. Yet others have been discussed informally with members of
the Natural Theology group that meets at the Athenaeum: Douglas Hedley,
Dave Leal, and Mark Wynn. I am grateful to them for their insights. And most
of the ideas that I draw on here have been tried out first on my pupils. In term
time, almost every week sees me trying out some new idea or example in a
tutorial with a pupil, safe in the knowledge that should I have overlooked some
flaw that he or she spots, I shall be able to hide my embarrassment behind some
Delphic utterance. If any pupil of mine reading this has ever wondered why
I spent so much time in one of his or her tutorials insisting that he or she explain
at length why some patently flawed argument does not work as if to someone
who was so slow that they hadn’t yet grasped it, now he or she knows the answer.
A number of people have been kind enough to read the penultimate draft and offer
suggestions for improvement. They are: Rodes Fishburne, Caroline Mawson,
Richard Swinburne, and the two anonymous readers for OUP. For having
extirpated a lot of worthless ideas from my thinking on these issues, all these
people (as well as those whose only form of acknowledgement is that their
work appears in the bibliography) must take credit; for those worthless ideas that
remain, the blame falls solely on me.
Penultimately, I would like to thank those at OUP involved in the practicalities
of bringing this book to publication, especially Rupert Cousens, Rebecca
Bryant, and Sylvia Jaffrey.
Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues at St Peter’s for providing me
with the supportive environment in which I wrote this book. As I look back on
my last five or so years here, I am reminded of the story of a man who, looking
back at the end of a long life, commented that he had had a lot of troubles but
that most of them had never actually happened. I have been unfortunate in
having a lot of troubles in my time at St Peter’s, but this has been more than
compensated for by my good fortune in having as colleagues people who have
ensured that none of them have ever actually happened.
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