Atheism and Philosophy - Kai Nielsen

The indeterminacy of the modern concept of God has made the distinction between belief and unbelief increasingly problematic. Both the complexity of the religious response and the variety of skeptical philosophies preclude simplistic definitions of what constitutes belief in God. Making the discussion even more difficult are assertions by fundamentalists who dismiss the philosophical perplexities of religious claims as unreal pseudo-problems. Atheism & Philosophy is a detailed study of these and other issues vital to our understanding of atheism, agnosticism, and religious belief. Philosopher Kai Nielsen develops a coherent and integrated approach to the discussion of what it means to be an atheist. In chapters such as "How is Atheism to be Characterized?", "Does God Exist?: Reflections on Disbelief," "Agnosticism," "Religion and Commitment," and "The Primacy of Philosophical Theology," Nielsen defends atheism in a way that answers to contemporary concerns.

Kai Nielsen (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is professor emeritus in the department of philosophy at the University of Calgary and adjunct professor of philosophy at Concordia University in Montreal. His many books include Globalization and Justice, Naturalism and Religion, Naturalism without Foundations, and Equality and Liberty: A Radical Defense of Egalitarianism.(Amazon)

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